The Nature of Rights in U.S. Political Discourse

The rights that we have as human beings, which we consider, in America, to be given by G-d, and unalienable, are a part of our core belief as Americans. This is it, that a RIGHT is not given by humans, nor by their institutions, and consequently SHOULD not be taken, and can, in fact, ONLY be taken by force or given voluntarily by the individual. This idea is what we pledge to hold fast to, and this is WHY WE FIGHT.

This concept is being greatly diminished and even rejected by far too many Americans. To many GOOD Americans. To many good Americans with to many good INTENTIONS. Intentions that lead to a path of tyranny and defeat. TYRANNY over the individual and DEFEAT of the DREAM that has been America.

If you choose to give up on this idea of a right and the value of the individual, that is your RIGHT. But realize this, it is you giving up part of the American DREAM. When you decide to give up your right to yourself as an individual, and capitulate to a “higher” moral collectivist belief, do not then believe that I have to give up my rights. They will have to be forcibly taken.

Do not MISDEFINE a right to mean that something or some service should be available to everyone, because it is so great or so good. Do not say to an INDIVIDUAL that they MUST willingly serve someone else, without realizing that you are forcibly removing someone’s ACTUAL RIGHT to refuse their service. And please, do not feel superior because you are using a human institution and calling it altruism.

If you CHOOSE to believe it is morally superior to subvert an individuals right for a perceived greater good, then do not HIDE behind words, by trying to REDEFINE what is a right. Do not try to placate those which are susceptible to emotional manipulation by saying that because an idea might be “GOOD” for many, that the idea is a right. Do not try to tell us that putting aside the individual, is GOOD.

If you want to know how wide our divide in political discourse really is, much of it can be summed up this way. American Conservatism wishes to conserve THIS founding principle of America, of unalienable rights. The LEFT wants to carve it out, ultimately denying the individual their rights. In other words, “The needs of the many outweigh the needs [rights] of the few.”

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